Winter, however, doesn’t have a particular sound (with the exception of late December- that’s reserved for Christmas music! But NEVER before thanksgiving. This is a STRICT rule I make everyone around me VERY aware of). “But, Becca! WHY!? Why does winter not have a particular sound?” you may ask. Well, good blog reader, I’ll tell you why:
I. Hate. Winter.
Yes I’m from the chilly cold of upstate NY, but I escaped to go to Florida for college for a reason. I live here in NYC because I love this city, but man. If I had the option to live here AND somehow magically be able to avoid winter? I would be in HEAVEN. So in winter, I will break my Specific-Season-Only rule and listen to the above albums.
So far (knock on wood), this particular winter hasn’t been that horrible. In fact, it’s felt quitespring-like so I busted out my Mumford & Sons. One song I’ve listened to a bajillion times (yes, bajillion. It’s a scientific measurement. Trust me.), “Awake My Soul”, grabbed me, or at least one line of that song did.
“Where you invest your love, you invest your life”
This. THIS!!! SO MUCH THIS!!! This is the way I try to live my life. I have a big heart. I love a LOT of things that range all the way from friends and family to acting and singing and music, all the way down to a large coffee with half and half and 2 splendas. My mother always told me that the way you spend your New Year’s Eve foretells the way your new year will be. My NYE was spent surrounded by so many people I love, and so we jokingly dubbed 2012 the Year of Love. It’s not a joke to me anymore. I’ve never been a particularly negative person in general (although I do have my patented Bitter New York Cynic inside me), but this year I’m focusing on Love.
I will spend more time with the people I love.
I will fight harder for the things I Love.
I will Love myself.
I will Invest my Life in Love.